Madison is a photographer, writer, musician, maker from Atlanta, GA living in Brooklyn, NY. her work involves unsophisticated storytelling, aimlessness and discomfort, constructed timelines belonging to nowhere in particular. growing up in the south has influenced how her work sounds, feels, and looks; there is an obvious attraction to objects/language/spaces that have an unsettling character. growing up detaching herself from family roots throughout appalachia – this in time morphed into a fervious salvaging of history and memory–left. she is haunted by her dreams and writes to fill up many leather spiral bound journals engraved on the front with the single word ‘journal.’ a union of onion-skin papers fed through a typewriter, in tangent with film photographs , are a beloved part of her practice.currently she is consumed in undertaking a hunger to visit all of the 50 states. 
06 midwest

side project of the 50 states